Terms and Conditions
This website is edited by
SAS Cahute
ZA La Ville-ès-Passants 35800 DINARD
SAS au capital de 7 000€ – RCS Saint-Malo 834 831 091
Publication Director is Thomas Longhi
T. +33(0)6 33 63 67 13
The website is hosted by
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
SAS au capital de 10 069 020 euros
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This website is created by
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546 rue Baruch de Spinoza, 84140 Avignon
Tél. 04 90 25 99 45
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Whilst using the website www.cahute.com, may be recorded; the URL of the links that led the user to the www.cahute.com website, the search engine of the user, as well as the user’s IP address. In good faith, SAS Cahute only collects those personal data pertinent to those services offered by the website www.cahute.com: requests for information, a quote, or in the context of online recruitment.
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All users have a right to access, rectify and oppose their personal data by sending a signed request in writing to SAS CAHUTE, ZA La Ville-ès-Passants 35800 DINARD, including a signed copy by the document holder of a legal form of identity document, and a return mailing address. No personal data of the www.cahute.com user is published without the user’s knowledge, nor is it exchanged, transferred, given out or sold on any platform to any third party .